Monday, September 1, 2008

Web 2.0 - Podcasts

As I've mentioned, I'm not an active participant of the Web 2.0 social scene. I spend my entire day (and many nights) working with computer technology, so I prefer to explore other adventures when I get some free time....

There are times when I find these new Web toys useful. I have a simple set of criteria for choosing my tools: 1) free, and 2) easy to use. I also prefer to host my content on my own server, or a server that I have file-level control over. I avoid the public "cloud" form of content storage.

With those criterion in mind, I performed the following steps to create the podcast below:
  1. Recorded the audio in mp3 format with a digital recorder
  2. Cleaned up the audio with Audacity (free), which exports to mp3
  3. Moved the mp3 content to one of my file servers
  4. Embedded the link to the mp3 file using an Odeo player

1 comment:

Lyr Lobo said...

Wow, the sound quality is great. It gained a little bit of noise later, but I also noticed that my Internet connection was dismally slow after 3:30 a.m.

Hmm, it may be a sign. Fun podcast! *grins*